Wow the consumer

Addressing every aspect of well-being

Wowing the consumer is in the DNA of everyone at Guardian. We focus on listening to our consumers, understanding them as whole people, and standing behind them at every stage of life. We provide them with the tools and resources to proactively navigate their well-being. Here are the highlights.

A man hikes in the woods with an orange backpack

A visit to the dentist is cause for a smile

Guardian helps our youngest members establish a lifetime of good oral health and well-being

From the time a child’s first tooth comes in, how they learn to take care of their teeth can have a positive impact on their health and well-being for years to come.1 Early preventive care is key to good long-term physical and mental health, as well as cost savings. Our work on children’s oral health is a prime example of how we listen to our customers. Created based on customer feedback, Guardian’s Early Smiles® plan provides 100% coverage for children 12 and under to help support them with a lifetime of good oral health, which encourages their self-confidence and overall well-being.2

Meet Greer

Financial clarity that helps you move forward

When it comes to your finances, it’s important to know where you stand. Making smart, informed decisions is near impossible without all your information in one place. Guardian’s proprietary financial organization platform, The Living Balance Sheet®, easily shows a holistic view of our customers’ finances, enabling them to make improved financial decisions and build strong relationships with our financial professionals.3 In 2023, we enhanced the customer experience — our new cash flow management features provide automated savings strategies so our customers can grow more over time.

1 An Ounce of Prevention: The link between preventive dental care and better oral health and overall wellness, Guardian’s 12th Annual Workplace Benefits Study, 2023

2 The Early Smiles® in-network option is available in all states excluding GA, MS, SD, TX & WY where an in and out of network option is available.

3 The Living Balance Sheet® (LBS) and the LBS logo are service marks of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. © Copyright 2005-2024 Guardian

4 Safeguard360™ is issued by the Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian®), New York, NY. This product combines: Guardian's Whole Life Paid-Up at Age 99 policy (form ICC21-WL, 21-Wl, or state equivalent); the Disability Income and Waiver of Policy Premium Benefit Rider (form 1CC21-DIR, 21-DIR, or state equivalent); and the Accelerated Death Benefit Rider for Long Term Care Services Rider (form ICC22-LTCR, or state equivalent) which is marketed as Guardian's Long Term Care Rider. Product provisions, features, and availability may vary by state. Exclusion and limitations may apply.

5 Guardian’s Group Cancer Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, New York, NY. Products are not available in all states.