The value of holistic financial protection

No matter what life throws at you, we have the coverage to help protect you and your family. SafeGuard360™ is a single product solution that can help provide essential financial protection, for now and in the future. With a one-time application and underwriting process, you can obtain quality coverage that can help build a foundation for lifelong financial well-being.
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The need for holistic protection is real
42% of American households would face financial hardship within six months should a wage earner die unexpectedly; 25% would suffer financially within a month.1
1 in 4 adults will become disabled in their working years2 and two-thirds of working Americans (63%) couldn’t make it six months without an income before financial difficulties would set in.3
Three protections in a single solution
Guardian has created SafeGuard360™ to provide you with a well-rounded policy that helps protect you and your family at every stage of life. This product is a holistic option that provides the financial protection of life insurance, long term care coverage, and benefits if you become too ill or injured to work — helping you address multiple protection needs all within a single solution.
Benefits of a unified solution
One integrated solution to apply
One underwriting process
Ease of purchase process
Single point of contact for claim initiation
Relationship management through one financial professional
Take charge of your future and let SafeGuard360 ™ help you build the foundation for lifelong financial well-being. Talk to a financial professional today.