Life insurance for people with HIV

If you’re living with HIV, you may have found it extremely difficult — if not impossible — to find life insurance coverage until recently. The good news is that with medical advances, HIV is now viewed similarly to most other chronic diseases by life insurance companies. And as a result, we are proud to expand coverage and offer life insurance for healthy individuals living with HIV.
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As one of the nation’s largest insurance companies, Guardian is among the first and few in the industry to extend this commitment and offer both term life and whole life insurance options to people living with HIV. Welcoming those seeking to establish financial stability and confidence through life insurance to help protect themselves and their loved ones is a cornerstone of Guardian's values and history.
Whether it’s whole life or term life, getting life insurance coverage is one of the fundamental ways to help prepare for life’s uncertainties and protect the people who depend on you for financial support after you pass away.
With whole life insurance, you’ll have a lifetime of protection that’s expected to help fulfill your goals for the rest of your life1. The accumulated cash value component2, which is unique to whole life, can be an alternative source of cash savings that can be used to help cover medical expenses, or supplement retirement income3. It’s yours to use as you wish. With cash value growth and the ability to provide living benefits, whole life insurance can be a versatile and multifunctional tool in your overall financial portfolio.
Term life insurance means having coverage for a defined period, typically between 10 and 30 years. During that term, you promise to pay a premium each month and in return, a life insurance company promises to pay a specific death benefit to your beneficiaries if you pass away during the term. This death benefit is income tax-free⁴. When the term expires, so does your life insurance protection. Unlike whole life insurance, the cash value component is not available with term life policies.
Depending on your situation and finances, one of these life insurance policy options may be suitable to achieve your goals.
What you need to know about our life insurance program for people living with HIV
Every life insurance applicant must undergo a medical assessment called underwriting to help determine coverage qualification. Each case is individually underwritten. For HIV positive applicants, additional underwriting criteria must be met to be considered for a policy. To qualify one must:
Self-identify as an individual living with HIV
Are between ages 20 and 65
Have been on highly active antiretroviral therapy for at least two years and demonstrate favorable lab results
Have not had an AIDS defining condition or illness
No history of Hepatitis B
Must be Hepatitis C Ab negative or cured
HIV viral load is undetectable
CD4 count must be above 350 and never have been below 200
No history of intravenous drug abuse (within the last 7 years)
Is under the care of a doctor specializing in treating HIV patients
Frequently asked questions
Can people living with HIV get life insurance?
Yes, HIV positive applicants can get life insurance coverage here at Guardian. We offer both term life and whole life insurance options for individuals living with HIV. Contact a Guardian financial professional in your area to learn how to apply. Some companies offer Guardian group life insurance at work.
What life insurance products are offered for people living with HIV?
At Guardian, we offer both term life and whole life insurance to people living with HIV, who meet the outlined criteria.
Is there a minimum or maximum face amount?
Yes. For qualified HIV positive applicants, Guardian offers a $25,000 minimum and up to $10,000,000 maximum for whole life insurance. And a minimum of $100,000 up to a maximum of $10,000,000 for the term life insurance.
Will a person living with HIV be charged higher premiums?
A person living with HIV may be considered for a Guardian whole life or term life policy at standard or substandard premiums, depending on each individual’s situation.